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We cannot answer animal questions
via email.
Please call 209.883.9414.

We are open to receive animals between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm every day, including weekends and holidays.
Safety Precautions
Birds of Prey - Hawks and owls have strong, sharp talons and will use them. The larger ones can do serious damage.

Adult Mammals - Raccoons, opossums, squirrels, and other mammals will bite. Use caution. Wear gloves and use a towel to cover the eyes and protect your hands.

Skunks and Bats - Never touch a skunk or bat with your bare hands Use gloves. They are high risk for rabies. Don't risk an exposure. Keep them safe by keeping yourself safe.

Baby Birds - Small birds are very fragile. Be extremely gentle. Children often squeeze these birds too hard and cause fatal internal injuries.

Baby Mammals - Baby raccoons, opossums, and squirrels require special formulas and feeding techniques. Please, do not feed.
Before you illegally trap or kill that animal, try these simple steps.

The SWCC is not permitted to admit nuisance animals.
It is illegal to trap and relocate wildlife.
Raccoon - Opossum - Fox
Raccoons, opossums, and foxes are common in the city. They thrive on dog and cat food.

Do not leave dog or cat food outside, especially at night.

Chase them completely out of the yard every time you see them. Shout, bang pots, shake a soda can with a few coins in it, squirt them with a hose.

Block access to attics, crawl spaces, sheds, and other denning sites.

Remove debris piles, and keep garbage cans tightly covered.

Raccoons, opossums, and foxes do not eat dogs or cats. They do not attack children. But they are strong and will defend themselves if trapped or picked up.

If they have babies, please wait until the youngsters can run away with their mother, then close off the den and harasses them every time they return.

Do not trap them. Do not feed them.

Bats are high risk for rabies. Do not touch with bare hands.

Be sure to bring in all grounded bats to prevent contact with pets and children, but do not disturb free flying bats. They eat thousands of mosquitoes.

If bats are roosting in attics or other buildings, do not try to kill the bats. Instead buy or build a bat house (available on Amazon) and put it as high a possible near the building.

Close all access holes except one. Bats are tiny. They can crawl through 1/2 inch wide cracks.

As long as there are no babies, wait until late at night when all the bats are out foraging and close the remaining hole.

Sprinkle a couple of mothballs near the roost to discourage any bats who might find a crack you missed

Do not kill the colony.

Skunks are high risk for rabies. Do not touch with your bare hands.

To avoid being sprayed, keep pets and children away from skunks.

Do not leave pet food out at night. Skunks love dog and cat food.

Block access crawl spaces, sheds, and other denning sites.

Remove debris piles, and keep garbage cans tightly covered.

Skunks do not eat dogs or cats. They do not attack children.

They do give clear warning before spraying.

If they have babies, please wait until the youngsters can run away with their mother.

Usually, removing food and denning sites will make the skunk go away, if not try gentle harassment. Shake a soda can with coins in it from a distance.

Do not trap them. Do not feed them.

Ducks eat all the snails, slugs, dog and cat food, as well as grass and other plants. They deposit big, messy droppings everywhere.

If a duck lays eggs in the bushes, wait until the babies hatch then open the gate and chase all of them out of your yard. Mama will lead the babies to the nearest park or stream.

If baby ducks are in your pool, they cannot get out on their own. Lay a board or something on the steps so the babies can climb out. Then chase all the babies out the gate. Mama will follow and lead them to safety.

There isn't enough food in your yard to feed all the babies. It will be two months before the babies can fly.

Do not catch the babies. Their best chance for a long life is with their mother.

Singing All Night
All snakes found in and around Modesto are not poisonous. Leave them alone.

Come back in a couple of hours and the snake will be gone.

Snakes eat insects and mice. They do not attack pets or children.

Rattlesnakes live in dry grasslands. They coil and threaten when threatened. To avoid getting bit, do not pick up snakes.

Male mockingbirds sing all night to attract a mate. As soon as a female takes an interest the bird will stop singing.

Mockingbirds are a fully protected species. They eat insects.

They are highly territorial, so chasing the bird away is not likely to be successful. Wait a few days, and the noise should stop.