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We cannot answer animal questions via email.
Please call 209.883.9414.

We are open to receive animals between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm every day, including weekends and holidays.
Click here for info on what to do if you have found an anmal.

The Stanislaus Wildlife Care Center takes injured and orphaned native wild animals and cares for them so they can be released back into their natural environment.

We are not permitted to admit domestic animals, including pigeons, or trapped nuisance animals. Please click here for information on nuisance wildlife.

Help us care for the animals
Click here
for information and an application.
Winter is one of the best times to volunteer at the SWCC. Because we have fewer animals to care for, you have time to learn different skills that will come in useful during the spring and summer busy season.

We are especially interest in volunteers who want to do school programs and who want to learn more sophisticated animal care skills.

Things we always need
Postage Stamps
Puppy Pads
Kleenex (for bird nests)
Playtex Dishwashing Gloves
(Small & Medium)
Or visit our Amazon wish list -
Click here.
Money and Volunteers
PayPal or credit card, click here

The SWCC is a 501(3) corporation.
EIN 77-0049517

Our tee shirts are on sale at the center.

Cash or checks are preferred. Credit card are acceptable if our internet cooperates.

We unable able to ship shirts to your house.

Contact us at:
The animals are counting on you.